Search for rooms in DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow and nearby


DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow

DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow (3 stars) is an accommodation with many amenities located in a central situation, perfect for easily getting to the main tourist attractions that Krakow can offer to its visitors. In this accommodation you can find affordable prices, from $157. The lodging has free wifi internet connection in all its facilities. DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow offers several amenities, being some of the most relevants: parking and climate control. DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow offers a shuttle service from/to the airport. About the touristic spots, close to emblematic places as Galicia Jewish Museum and Former brewery on Lubicz street in Kraków and close to Smocza Jama and Bunkier Sztuki.


Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow Photo - DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow

Price by night

You can book your room in DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow from $157.


DIETLA 99 APARTMENTS - IDEAL LOCATION - in the heart of Krakow reviews



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Location / Directions

Address: ul.Dietla 99. 33-332 Kraków. Poland.